• Artist
  • Designer
  • Gemologist
  • Dreamer
  • Creative
  • Different
  • Authentic
Sara Ben Zid

Welcome, I am SaraBen Zid

A graduate gemologist, author, professional jewelry designer& luxury brand evaluator in Europe/MEA.

Sparkling Destiny: A Journey into the World of Art, Gems and Jewelry.

About the artist:

In the celestial journey of life, our destiny intertwines with our inner passion, and immediately a profound love affair begins. For me, that story took roots in the glimmering world of gems and jewelry. As the stars aligned, I embarked on a voyage that would forever change my life.

I am Sara Ben Zid, a graduate gemologist and professional jewelry designer. Born amidst the rich heritage of Belgium, and finding solace in the vibrant city of Dubai, I discovered early on that the addiction for gems and jewelry transcends borders, fusing the Occident with the Orient. My education at L’École des Beaux Arts in Brussels set the stage for my destiny as an artist, but it was in the diamond city of Antwerp, after becoming a graduate gemologist at the prestigious HRD Antwerp, that I truly delved into the heart of these precious rocks.

My philosophy: Always dream big, create emotions, and embrace your learning journey!

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