Sara Ben Zid
In a world where our perceptions are constantly being shaped and reshaped by forces, like where we’re from, our education, and our life experiences, we often see life through our unique filters. Much like a multifaceted gemstone, each individual’s perspective is a complex interplay of countless influences. With the “Deconstruct to Reconstruct” design, I endeavor to capture this dynamic aspect of life, filters, and enlightenment to think out of the box.
At its core, this ring reflects the idea that our perspectives can sometimes distort reality, much like how a piece of jewelry can play with light. These unnoticed filters affect our choices, relationships, and how we experience life. To illustrate this, I’ve incorporated seven elements in the ring, mirroring the colors associated with the seven chakras. In ancient traditions, these chakras represent different aspects of our being. They serve as a reminder of the deep connection between our spiritual and physical selves.